Keenan's Media Blog

Thursday, September 28, 2006

With the GOOD, comes the BAD

Lots of modern technology affects almost everyone almost anywhere. The most popular being as mentioned; cell phones, portable video games, and mp3 players.

et's look at cell phones. It's meant to talk on the phone to anyone and supposedly anywhere, if you can get a signal. But the main problem with a cell phone is that it causes people to multi-task and no one can multi-task, they just say they can. The bad aspects of this would be in you car while talking on your cell phone, it's very hard to concentrate on the road while concentrating on the conversation at the same time.

The second device I've mentioned were portable video games. These are very popular today and more widespread. The good thing about this is that you'd never be bored again. You can play a game anywhere you are. The bad thing about this is that it allows for you to play a game at any time. Like times when you should be doing your work.

The last piece of technology is the mp3 player. Practically every highschool student in a developed country has one. It does allow to give your life theme songs and also to listen to the radio but it drags you away from being a part of the community. When listening to an mp3 player, you become iscolated. It can also be an annoyance for other people who are near you to have to hear what you're listening to, but that problem is just a matter of consideration.


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